- 其中 需要有图片的,不能有header-style: text,然后添加header-img: “img/post-bg-miui6.jpg”
- 关于排序,需要有date: 2014-08-16 12:00:00;默认按照日期排序
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- 关于tag 需要有tags 按照数量排序
layout: post title: “LLM涌现能力《Are Emergent Abilities of Large Language Models a Mirage?》论文思考” subtitle: “ "Code is cheap, show me the talk."” date: 2023-05-06 17:02:00 author: “王川” header-img: “img/post-bg-20230506-1-jordan-1993-champs-history.jpg” catalog: true tags: - LLM - NLP - Paper —
layout: post title: “LLM涌现能力《Are Emergent Abilities of Large Language Models a Mirage?》论文思考” subtitle: “ "Code is cheap, show me the talk."” date: 2023-05-06 17:02:00 author: “王川” header-style: text catalog: true tags: - LLM - NLP - Paper —